Serbia: CFWIJ and WPF Condemn Online Harassment and Threats Against Journalists Vanja Đurić and Željko Veljković

Online trolls amplified by politicians attack and threaten Vanja Đurić

Location: Serbia
Date: January 15, 2024

The Coalition For Women In Journalism and Women Press Freedom unequivocally condemns the recent online attacks and threats directed at journalists Vanja Đurić and Željko Veljković in Serbia. These incidents — beginning on January 15, 2024, and amplified by both government and opposition right-wing elements — are a blatant attempt to silence critical voices and undermine the fundamental principles of freedom of expression and journalistic integrity. The illicit disclosure of Đurić's phone number on social media platforms led to a barrage of hate and threats so severe that it compelled her to deactivate her Twitter account. Such actions are not only reprehensible but also endanger the personal safety of journalists. The involvement of Serbian politicians in fueling these attacks is particularly concerning. It is the responsibility of political leaders to protect and uphold the rights of journalists, not to participate in or encourage such harmful behavior. We call on the Serbian authorities to take immediate and decisive action to investigate these threats and hold those responsible accountable. We urge the Serbian government and politicians across the political spectrum to unequivocally commit to protecting journalists from harassment and to foster an environment where freedom of the press is respected and upheld.

Following comments left on a tweet featuring a video of a Serbian girl from Kosovo singing nationalist songs before a Red Star basketball game — journalists Vanja Đurić and Željko Veljković were subjected to an orchestrated campaign of intense online harassment, including threats and intimidation. Their comments were portrayed as disrespectful of the child singing and mocking Serbian patriotic songs. Both journalists strongly condemned the orchestrated campaign, highlighting its potential dangers and calling for accountability.

The situation escalated as anonymous profiles, fueled by a coordinated smear campaign led by politicians, including Vladimir Đukanović from the ruling party, intensified their attacks. Opposition members Ivana Parlić and Vladimir Gajić further contributed to the insults. Regime-aligned tabloids, such as Informer, Alo, and Srbin.Info, joined the assault, branding the journalists as mercenaries and traitors. Derogatory terms were employed to defame Đurić and Veljković. 

Đurić's phone number was illicitly published on Twitter, inviting users to express their opinions directly, and a slew of harassing phone calls ensued.

The attacks extended to various platforms, including Instagram and Telegram, with threats becoming increasingly severe, including mentions of slaughter and insults against their families. Željko Veljković has announced plans to file criminal charges against those responsible.

Vanja Đurić, who deactivated her account on the X network due to the harassment, believes the incident was a deliberate ploy to divert attention from critical issues facing the Serbian government, such as election theft, protests, and investigations into high-profile cases like the murder of Oliver Ivanović. This calculated effort aimed to sow chaos on social media and stifle dissenting voices.

Veljković emphasized that the situation did not solely stem from their comments on the video of the girl singing but reflects a broader discomfort within the state regarding the truth conveyed through their reporting.

Đurić, a journalist with CNN affiliate N1, has previously faced attacks for her work. In 2021 she was verbally assaulted by a mob in Belgrade. Her employer N1 and its staff are frequently derided, threatened, and attacked by the government and its allies.

This alarming incident underscores the sorry state of media freedom in Serbia and the serious consequences faced by journalists expressing dissenting opinions. The Coalition For Women In Journalism and Women Press Freedom urgently calls on competent authorities to intervene and halt the targeted harassment of journalists. The threats against Vanja Đurić and Željko Veljković must be thoroughly investigated by the police, and any politician amplifying or spreading hate towards the journalists should be held accountable.


The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help women career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.

If you have been harassed or abused in any way, and please report the incident by using the following form.


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