Croatia: Media Minister Accuses Dora Kršul and of “Malicious Fake News”

Minister's attempt to discredit Kršul and, both in 2023 and now, is a clear attempt to evade accountability and silence critical journalism

Location: Croatia, Zagreb
Date: January 15, 2024

Minister of Culture and Media Nina Obuljen Korzinek labels journalist Dora Kršul and her outlet Telegram “malicious fake news.” The Coalition For Women In Journalism and Women Press Freedom is alarmed by the damaging rhetoric of the Minister responsible for media. She has repeatedly targeted Kršul, whose reporting uncovered corruption involving European Union funding implicating the involvement of the Ministry of Culture and Media. The practice of labeling both the journalist and Telegram as "fake news" is not only a tired but also a strategic tactic. It aims to erode the public's trust in a journalist or outlet’s reporting without directly addressing the substantive findings of their investigation. We insist that Minister Nina Obuljen Korzinek, responsible for overseeing media in Croatia, issues a formal apology and retraction. It is within her purview to safeguard and promote press freedom, not to target and undermine the efforts of journalists.

In 2023, investigative journalist Dora Kršul uncovered a story exposing Minister Obuljen Korzinek's questionable spending of public EU funds. Kršul's seven-month investigation was published on and covered by external media outlets, leading to arrests and triggering backlash from Minister Obuljen Korzinek who attempted to discredit Kršul and her outlet.

Continuing her investigation, on January 15, 2024, Kršul published a follow-up article containing an official statement from the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (CASA). The statement implicated the Ministry of Obuljen Korzinek in irregularities related to public spending on post-earthquake renovation of cultural sites.

“Two hours before we published the article, we sent an inquiry to the Ministry for their comment, but they didn’t answer and we published the story,” Kršul tells CFWIJ. “After that, Minister Obuljen Korzinek gave two statements to journalists, in which she claimed that Telegram and I published “malicious fake news.” Then she lamented how I didn’t give her enough time for the answer.”

Croatian news agency HINA, echoed the minister's statements in their reporting, amplifying the accusation that "Telegram published malicious fake news." This led to more media outlets picking up the narrative and disseminating it further.

Labeling the work of credible journalists as “fake news,” a tactic popularized by Donald Trump, intends to undermine the public’s trust in the journalist’s reporting. Public officials must respect the role of investigative journalism and engage in transparent communication rather than resorting to attempts to discredit those uncovering potential wrongdoing. 

The Coalition For Women In Journalism and Women Press Freedom stands in solidarity with Dora Kršul and Telegram and denounces efforts to tarnish their work and reputations. The repeated attempts to discredit an investigative journalist and her newsroom, especially by a high-ranking government official responsible for media affairs, cast a shadow over the ability of journalists to hold those in power accountable without fear of reprisals. We demand an immediate apology and retraction from Minister Obuljen Korzinek, urging her to cease targeting critical and independent journalists.  


The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help women career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.

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