Qatar: Indian Journalist Forced To Flee Doha Under Threat of Arrest

An unnamed woman journalist threatened after reporting trial of Indian naval officers in Qatar

Location: Qatar, Doha
Date: October 20, 2023

After reporting on the detention of eight Indian naval officers in Qatar, an anonymous woman journalist was forced to flee the country or face arrest. The Coalition For Women In Journalism condemns this attempt to silence the journalist’s reporting and urges Qatari authorities to respect press freedom.

An Indian journalist, who works with the Doha edition of a prominent South India-based publication, was compelled to hastily return to India, fearing inevitable arrest. Her decision to leave Qatar followed pressure from authorities after she reported on the detention of Indian naval officers in Qatar. This incident marks the first instance of a journalist retreating to India out of fear of facing a trial in the oil-rich nation.

On August 30, 2022, eight Indian naval veterans were taken into custody by Qatar's Interior Ministry; they are currently on trial. The charges against them have not been disclosed but are suspected to be related to espionage. A verdict in their trial is expected imminently.

The Interior Ministry expressed displeasure over the Indian journalist’s article detailing the trial, perceiving the coverage as detrimental to Qatar’s national interests.

The reporter learned she was under surveillance and authorities were on the cusp of detaining her for questioning. According to an undisclosed source, the journalist and her spouse decided to leave the country swiftly after.

"The couple has now safely returned to India, but they remain profoundly shaken and are not yet ready to comment on their ordeal,” the source revealed. “Qatar's legal framework empowers the authorities to make arrests in cases they deem contrary to the nation's interests. Initial questioning often escalates into arrests, with the process becoming exceedingly challenging to navigate." 

Qatari authorities have a history of taking offense to media content they regard as contradictory to their national interest. Home to a predominantly immigrant population, the country fosters a diverse group of journalists working within its media organizations. However, certain topics are strictly off-limits, including the challenging conditions of immigrant workers, religion, the emir's personal life, women's rights, and LGBTQI rights. These topics are considered taboo and remain unopened for discussion within Qatari media. 

Numerous reporters have been apprehended and jailed, or in some instances, expelled from the country for covering these issues. BBC TV reporter Mark Lobel and his crew were detained for two days in May 2015 when the Qatari government invited them and other foreign journalists to inspect new accommodation for migrant workers. After their government-supervised visit to the site, the BBC team returned independently to conduct further reporting. However, the authorities apprehended them for "trespassing on private property" and seized their equipment.

The Coalition For Women In Journalism denounces the treatment of the Indian journalist in Doha. The incident underscores the continuous friction between press freedom and the bounds set by Qatari authorities. The journalist reported on a trial of public interest and was forced to flee as a result. Qatari authorities must stop harassing the press and allow them to report without interference or fear of arrest.


The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help female career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.

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