Kazakhstan: Surge in Cyber Attacks on Independent Media

Nine media outlets and numerous journalists have been targeted by DDoS attacks and attempted hacking of social media accounts

Location: Kazakhstan, Astana
Date: January 19, 2024

According to Adil Soz, a local press freedom group, unidentified perpetrators have launched cyberattacks against at least nine independent media outlets and numerous journalists in Kazakhstan since November 2023. Prominent media entities like KazTAG news agency, as well as popular social media-based outlets like AIRAN and Obozhayu, have fallen victim to these cyberattacks. The attacks have targeted well-known and influential platforms, further exacerbating concerns about the state of press freedom in Kazakhstan. The Coalition For Women In Journalism and Women Press Freedom expresses solidarity with independent media outlets in Kazakhstan facing cyberattacks. We strongly condemn these threats to press freedom and call on the Kazakh government to swiftly investigate, identify the perpetrators, and hold them accountable. Immediate action must be taken to halt the use of technology that facilitates these attacks on the media.

Starting November 2023, cyberattacks have been directed towards at least nine independent media outlets and numerous journalists in Kazakhstan, according to information provided by Adil Soz, a local press freedom organization. Among the targeted victims are prominent media organizations like KazTAG news agency, as well as popular social media-based platforms such as AIRAN and Obozhayu.

The methods of attacks have included distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks and the blocking of outlets’ social media accounts through orchestrated mass complaints. The result has been a loss of access to audiences and heavy financial costs for the media outlets involved.

Previously, the country witnessed a series of cyber and physical attacks on independent journalists in late 2022 and early 2023. Despite the arrest and subsequent conviction of five people linked to those incidents, the head of Adil Soz, Karla Jamankulova, stated that cyberattacks against independent media have persisted throughout 2023 and have escalated since November.

The rise in cyberattacks on media outlets, from 37 in 2022 to 56 in 2023, presents a systemic threat to the country's media, according to data from Adil Soz.

In 2023, DDoS attacks were launched against the websites of at least four independent media outlets, including KazTAG, independent news outlet Nege.kz, and business news outlets Kursiv.Media and inbusiness.kz. These attacks caused the websites to become temporarily inaccessible or to load slowly.

Social media accounts or websites of at least four independent media outlets were targeted through orchestrated mass complaints or by fake accounts posting banned content. Outlets affected by these attacks have reported that it can take a considerable amount of time, and sometimes prove impossible, to restore blocked accounts.

The continuous cyberattacks have had a significant impact on the functioning of independent Kazakh media, forcing them to redirect substantial resources to combat these attacks. 

Mira Khalina, the chief editor of Kursiv.Media, expressed her dismay as she revealed that the outlet's Instagram accounts had been inaccessible for more than six weeks. Despite creating replacement accounts, these new accounts also remain blocked. Khalina further disclosed that the cyberattacks inflicted significant losses on Kursiv.Media, amounting to over 19 million tenge (equivalent to US$42,300) in redirected resources, lost advertising revenue, and various other expenses.

Six of the affected outlets filed a police complaint over the attacks in January but are yet to receive a response. The attacks are seen as an attempt to disable independent journalism.

The source behind these attacks remains unclear, but the resources required for such operations suggest the involvement of wealthy business interests or entities with access to state resources. 

In late 2022 and early 2023, Arkady Klebanov, the son of a former member of the Kazakh elite, was convicted of ordering attacks on journalists but was declared insane and ordered to undergo psychiatric treatment. Some journalists targeted in those attacks have expressed doubt over Klebanov's role as the mastermind behind the attacks.

Women Press Freedom has documented a concerning rise in cyberattacks targeting media outlets and journalists in recent years. These attacks not only undermine press freedom but also pose a significant threat to the integrity of information dissemination. Often, authoritarian governments are identified as the culprits behind these attacks, as they seek to manipulate the narrative and exert control over the flow of information.

The Coalition For Women In Journalism and Women Press Freedom stands in unwavering support of the journalists and media outlets that have been targeted by cyberattacks. We strongly condemn the utilization of technology to surveil and intimidate media professionals. These attacks not only undermine freedom of expression but also pose a significant threat to democratic values. We call upon the Kazakh government to take immediate and decisive action to put an end to the distribution and misuse of technology in attacks against press freedom. We call for a comprehensive investigation to identify the people responsible for these cyberattacks and to hold them accountable for their actions. It is crucial that those behind these attacks face appropriate consequences in order to uphold the principles of justice and safeguard press freedom.


The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help women career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.

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