Amy Booth for Index on Censorship: Javier Milei's Election Raises Fears for Press Freedom in Argentina

In "Rolling and Attacks on the Media," for Index on Censorship, Amy Booth delves into the implications of Javier Milei's recent election as Argentina's president, particularly focusing on his contentious relationship with the media. 

Milei, a far-right economist, triumphed with 56% of the vote amid Argentina's severe economic crisis. His victory, mirroring the populist tactics of Trump and Bolsonaro, has raised concerns about the potential suppression of critical media and the empowerment of extreme right-wing elements. 

The piece highlights the immediate impact of Milei's aggressive stance towards journalists and media outlets, emphasizing the increasing online abuse directed at dissenting voices. Critics fear Milei's presidency might exacerbate divisions and stifle free speech, referencing Argentina's troubled history with dictatorship and media repression. 

The op-ed also touches upon the challenges of balancing public discourse and media freedom in the current political landscape. 

To understand the full depth of these concerns and the broader implications for Argentine democracy and press freedom, read more in the complete op-ed.

Amy Booth is the managing editor of the Buenos Aires Herald. Her work on politics, social affairs and human rights has appeared in the BBC, the Guardian, VICE, and many others. She came to Buenos Aires from Bolivia in 2018 for a master's in political and social theory at UBA. When she’s not writing, she’s probably reading or doing trapeze.


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